some notes


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draft topics list
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ontology coordination with sparql

have you heard of web3.0? it's been here since 2004!
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machine learning + stable diffusion

ai generative art and the beauty of latent space travel
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climbing in the western alps of switzerland

a brief about my trip with my friends in west switzerland
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site built with hugo and github actions

rebuilding my site with hugo and github actions
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state vs props in react

Just a note on state vs props in React.
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ruby + rails + react + redux project 005 - climbing logbook

and...that's a wrap. what a year and a bit it's been. finally, i accomplished something that i've been thinking about doing for a long time (about 2 years?), jumped in, managing that with a full time job, life in a new country, precious life things outside of work.
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ruby + rails + church wafer javascript project 004 - communal recipes

inspired by my friends, ardent lovers of good food made with care and consideration, i decided to make my application about recipes. i find that the flatiron school has a solid, tight curriculum - everything i've learned in the program so far has built upon each other.
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ruby + rails project 003

i never worked on each level of an application. so making a full stack rails application is something i'm pretty glad i got to finally do.
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ruby project 002 + making reading lists with sinatra

it was a quick turnaround for me to build our second portfolio project, a Sinatra app that uses a whole new slew of ruby web technologies for me, including Rack, Activerecord, Rake, and bcrypt.
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ruby project 001 + updating nokogiri

our cohort is is working on our first portfolio project two months into the flatiron school software engineering part time program. we were asked to create a ruby gem that provides a command line interface to interact with the application that uses an external data source (either by API or web scraping).
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i'm in the software engineering program at the flatiron school

hello, just introducing myself here on this very website that is my own. i’m currently in the Software Engineering 10-month part-time program -- part-time because i am also working full-time as a librarian! yes I like books
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hey. welcome…
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